Introducing the Influencer Shop at Dressed by Danielle
Have you ever fallen in love with an outfit worn by your favorite content creator? We sure have and that's why we are so excited to be launching the Influencer Shop at Dressed by Danielle!
This week we are unveiling our latest project - the Influencer Shop. This innovative concept transforms the top floor of our store into a space where you can shop your favorite influencer’s closet! We will be inviting influencers whose style we love to bring in items from their personal closets to sell in this special section of the store.
We are excited to kick off this initiative on June 27th, with our first featured influencer, Margot Touitou from @margotexplainsitall. Please join us for our first launch party from 7-9pm at our shop, something we will be doing to celebrate the arrival of each new influencer’s collection, and enjoy first dibs on everything she is selling!
If you’re an influencer who would like to be featured in our Influencer Shop, or if you have a favorite influencer whose closet you would like to shop, please reach out to us! We hope to see you at our next launch party! Make sure you’re following us on Instagram to stay updated on everything happening at Dressed by Danielle.