Clothing Drop-Offs
All of those clothes sitting in the back of your closet that you haven't worn for months could help you pay for your new favorite pieces!
At Dressed by Danielle, we allow women to drop off clothing they no longer wear or want in exchange for store credit. The amount of credit we can offer is determined by the quantity, quality, brands, and styles of items you bring.

Drop-Off Day Process and Policies:
- You may only drop off items when we are open to the public during our Open-Door Days (usually every Thursday from 10-6pm and Friday from 10-4pm but in January only on Fridays) at Ben Yehuda 64, Tel Aviv.
- Please check which types and sizes of items we are currently accepting before bringing things in (see bottom of this page)- this may change weekly and we will not give credit for items we have said we are not accepting.
- When you come to drop off, you'll fill out a short form (accessed by scanning a QR code in our shop) and take a photo of your bag so we know which one is yours.
- You should expect to get an email within 4 business days of dropping off, letting you know how much credit we can offer you.
- You may only drop off clothing one time per month (every 30 days).
- Any items we do not accept will be placed in our donation bin.
- Each time you drop off, you can earn up to ₪200 credit that is valid for five months, and can be used during Private Shopping Sessions or Open-Door Days.
- Drop offs are not accepted during Standard Shopping Sessions. However, you may bring in clothes to exchange for store credit during a Premium Shopping Session. During a Premium Shopping Session, each shopper may bring clothes and receive up to ₪200 in store credit.
- Credit may not be used as the security deposit for booking Private Shopping Sessions.
- Credit is non transferrable, although you may drop off clothing under someone else's name!