Upcycled Israeli Graphic Tote Bag
Meet Nia Shtai, a talented artist currently residing in Israel but originally from the Ukraine. Nia's journey to where she is today has been an incredible one, having fled the looming war back in 2014. But her passion for fashion has never faltered, as she has been fascinated with it since childhood.
Nia's designs are unique and unlike anything you've seen before, as she incorporates her personal experiences and cultural background into her work. And the best part? She prints her designs onto second-hand clothing, giving them a new lease of life and transforming them into true works of art. So what you're witnessing here is not just fashion, but an expression of creativity, resilience and hope.
Get to know the designer some more: click here
Upcycled, Isreaeli graphic OR Regah graphic, Tote Bag
Sizing Info:
Length: 16 inches (CAN VARY)
Width: 15 inches (CAN VARY)
Regular price
Unit price