
  • Clothing Donations

    Clothing Donations

    We do our best to keep as much clothing as we can in circulation through our Clothing Drop-Off Program. However, we can't accept everything, especially items that aren't in season or in good condition.  Luckily, we've compiled a list of organizations in...

  • #SecondhandSeptember provides great tips and tricks fro shopping secondhand and thrifting locally.

    #SecondhandSeptember - 5 Tips for Shopping Secondhand

    #SecondhandSeptember is still among us. That’s why @selfnplanet and I are here to share what this month is all about and give you some of our best tips for shopping secondhand!
  • Dressed by Danielle Pop-Up Shop In Tel Aviv!

    Dressed by Danielle Pop-Up Shop In Tel Aviv!

    After months of hard work, planning, and creating, I'm thrilled to announce my first ever pop-up shop in the beating heart of Tel Aviv! 
  • 10 Reasons to Shop Secondhand

    10 Reasons to Shop Secondhand

    It’s been over 8 years since I’ve bought any new clothes, and yet, my wardrobe is everything I’ve ever wanted it to be. With such an abundance of clothing in our world, we are living in the golden age of secondhand fashion. Although there are a million reasons to shop secondhand, here are 10 of my favorite!
  • A Tour of the Dressed by Danielle Studio!

    A Tour of the Dressed by Danielle Studio!

    As I looked around my studio, trying to figure out what to write my very first blog post about, I suddenly realized that the topic was staring right back at me! My studio is where I spend most of my time these days and it has been the vehicle for making my dream job possible.