#SecondhandSeptember provides great tips and tricks fro shopping secondhand and thrifting locally.

#SecondhandSeptember - 5 Tips for Shopping Secondhand

#SecondhandSeptember is still among us. That’s why @selfnplanet and I are here to share what this month is all about and give you some of our best tips for shopping secondhand!

What is #SecondhandSeptember?

During the month of September, those who still shop fast fashion may test the waters of secondhand shopping and might even accept the challenge of only shopping secondhand for a full 30 days. For those of us who have already come to know and love shopping secondhand, this month is an opportunity for us to welcome and guide all the newbies joining our bandwagon!  


Choosing secondhand fashion not only offers unique pieces at a fraction of the cost but also reduces environmental impact and supports ethical practices in the garment industry.


Why is #SecondhandSeptember so important?

Throwaway fashion is putting increasing pressure on our planet and the people who make our clothes. Not only can you find crazy unique pieces at a fraction of their retail cost when shopping secondhand, but you can also significantly reduce your negative impact on our environment. 

According to the @thredup annual resale report, if everyone bought one item used instead of new this year, it would save: ⁣

🏭 5.6 lbs of CO2e = 🌲 66M trees planted ⁣
💧 25B gallons of water = 🚿 1.25B showers ⁣
🗑 449M lbs of waste = 🚚 18,700 garbage trucks full⁣

Shopping secondhand means all the fun of shopping but with the opportunity to extend the lifecycle of clothing - 90% of which end up in landfills and often takes up to 500 years to decompose!

If you need more reasons to shop secondhand, you can read about my 10 of favorite reasons on my blog!


Shopping secondhand provides the excitement of shopping while also giving clothing a chance for an extended lifecycle, which is crucial considering that approximately 90% of garments end up in landfills, where they can take up to 500 years to decompose.



If you yourself are new to the world of preloved fashion, then here are some helpful tips to keep in mind when shopping secondhand: 

1. Be patient. It can take some time and a careful eye to find the perfect pieces, but once you do, you’ll be so glad you put in the extra effort! 

2. Shop with an open mind. One of the benefits to shopping secondhand is that it allows you to create a unique style for yourself and break away from the typical trends that are created by fast fashion brands. Leave your expectations and reservations at the door, and be willing to try things that are out of your normal comfort zone. Something you didn’t initially gravitate towards might actually end up being your new favorite item! 

3. Bring a friend! Having someone to talk to about the items and styles you come across is not only more fun than shopping alone, but it can also give you the confidence and reassurance you need to try out new styles.

4. Be creative. Since items in thrift stores aren’t usually styled or organized in such an obvious way, it can sometimes be difficult to imagine how you’ll wear the pieces you find. A quick search through Pinterest or a brainstorm about items in your closet that you could pair them with can help you envision your thrifted finds in a whole new light.

5. Don’t be thrown off if something you like doesn’t fit right. If you find a pair of pants too long, cut them at home! If you find the dress of your dreams but it’s a few sizes too big, consider getting it tailored! Don’t be afraid to mend, repair, or rework something so that it suits you more!

    When your friend, who typically shops fast fashion, invites you to go thrifting together, it presents an excellent opportunity to introduce her to the world of sustainable fashion and the joy of secondhand treasures. [thrifting with a friend]


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