
  • Our featured brand, Nia Shtai's collection of upcycled and graphic designs

    Featured Brand: Nia Shtai Graphic Designs

    Please note: this brand is no longer being featured in our store. We hope you will continue reading about it anyway :)  At Dressed by Danielle, we are always looking for new ways to expand our community and connect with...

  • Featured brand spotlight with Rachelliro Zen and her curated collection of all-natural products, from crystals to herbal blends and sacred scents.

    Our First Featured Brand: By Rachelliro Zen

    At Dressed by Danielle, we are always looking for new ways to expand our community and connect with other like-minded individuals and brands.  We have a section of our shop that is permanently dedicated to featuring other sustainable, women-owned brands...

  • Clothing Drop-Offs

    Clothing Drop-Offs

    All of those clothes sitting in the back of your closet that you haven't worn for months could help you pay for your new favorite pieces!  At Dressed by Danielle, we allow women to drop off clothing they no longer wear or...

  • #SecondhandSeptember provides great tips and tricks fro shopping secondhand and thrifting locally.

    #SecondhandSeptember - 5 Tips for Shopping Secondhand

    #SecondhandSeptember is still among us. That’s why @selfnplanet and I are here to share what this month is all about and give you some of our best tips for shopping secondhand!
  • The truth about fast fashion and its affects on the industry and it's workers. Join us in creating a structural change through conscious consumer choices.

    Fast Fashion 101

    I’ve been talking about taking a stand against fast fashion through Dressed by Danielle for so long, it really is time I pause for a minute to explain what exactly fast fashion means, and why it's so bad for us. 
  • Introducing: DbD x SnP Sustainability Series

    Introducing: DbD x SnP Sustainability Series

    Our goal is to provide easy access to a variety of resources and information about sustainable living and create an engaging dialogue that spreads the importance of protecting our home.